smartRender contains an API to call it from outside of smartRender. The following lists all available API functionality and gives some usage examples with some expected example output.
The API calls require the Nuke module since processing itself happens via Nuke.
List IDs of all jobs in the render queue.
- Args:
status (str): The status to display jobs for. Choose from one of:
["all", "waiting", "paused", "canceled", "error", "finished"]
. Default:'all'
- Returns:
: Sequence of job ids in the queue.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.list_jobs()
['1719778039_41d1107a', '1719777998_242674b0', '1719777923_63c42a2b', '1719777647_70102203', '1719777598_7da63303']
Show all job info for the given job ID.
- Args:
job_id (str): The ID of the job to show all info for.
- Returns:
dict: Mapping of job data for the given job.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.get_job_info("1719778039_41d1107a")
# Shows a dict with all information about that job.
Show render log data for the given job.
- Args:
job_id (str): The ID of the job to show render log data for.
- filter (str, optional): Filter job log to show only specific log
events. Choose from:
“job: all” -> Show all output.
“job: error” -> Show only error messages.
“job: info” -> Show all info messages.
“job: done” -> Show all render finished messages.
- Returns:
str: The job log data of the given job.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.get_job_log_data("1719778039_41d1107a")
# Shows all job log data for that job.
Load terminal input or output log and return its content as a String.
- Args:
job_id (str): Unique id of job to load terminal output file from.
mode (str): Which file to choose: ‘input’ or ‘output’.
- Returns:
str: File content of the terminal output file.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.get_job_terminal_log("1719778039_41d1107a")
Add job on top of jobs queue xml file.
- Args:
workingfile_path (str): Absolute path of working file to render.
write_name (str): Name of write node to process.
render_start (int): Start frame to process.
render_end (int): End frame to process.
render_step (int): Incremental steps. Use 1 to render every frame, 2 to render every other frame, etc.
overwrite (Bool): If True overwrite existing frames. If False skip existing frames.
width (int): The width to render.
height (int): The height to render.
transcode_template (str, optional): Name of the transcode template to use for transcoding once the job has finished. A template with that name must exist. Leave empty if no transcoding is required.
views (str, optional): Views to process. standard view: “Main”.
chunk_size (int, optional): The number of frames to render per chunk.
framelist (
, optional): If given then render only these frames, not the whole given render start and render end. This is useful for to re-render e.g. just outdated cache frames (smartCache).job_id (str, optional): If given then use this id as the internal job id to refer back to it in the future. If not set then smartRender will generate a new unique render id.
silent (bool, optional): If True show a ‘render notification’ window once the rendering has finished that lets the user trigger common functionality (reveal render directory, copy path, etc.). If False then don’t show this dialog.
Returns: str: The unique job ID of the job that was added to the queue.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.add_job(
... "/path/to/workfile.nk",
... "Write1",
... 1001,
... 1030,
... 1,
... True,
... 1920,
... 1080,
... )
Update given key-value pair in given job ID.
- Args:
job_id (str): The ID of the job to update.
key (str): The name of the key to update.
value (any): The new value to use.
- Returns:
bool: True when the job id and key was found and successfully updated, False otherwise.
>>> from smartRender import api
Update render end
>>> api.update_job("1719778039_41d1107a", "render_end", 1020)
Update chunk size
>>> api.update_job("1719778039_41d1107a", "chunk_size", 10)
View a job in your jobs.xml to see a complete list of all offered job settings.
Remove the job with the given ID from the job queue.
- Args:
job_id (str): The ID of the job to remove from the queue.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.remove_job("1719778039_41d1107a")
Render a job with the given ID.
- Args:
job_id (str): The ID of the job to render.
>>> from smartRender import api
>>> api.process_job("1719778039_41d1107a")