
The following section shows you how to launch smartMedia inside Nuke and standalone.

Launching smartMedia inside Nuke

After the installation is finished, restart Nuke and you will now find the new sub menu smartMedia inside your cragl menu. It contains the following three commands as seen below:

  • open smartMedia: Opens the smartMedia main window.
  • send selected to smartMedia: Send the media of the selected Read or Write node straight to smartMedia.
  • about: Opens the smartMedia about window.


If required, you can add a shortcut to any of these commands as you like. Simply open the smartMedia’s file and update the shortcuts as needed.

Launching smartMedia standalone

In order to launch smartMedia in standalone mode, i.e. outside of Nuke, first make sure you have Python2 or Python3 and PySide or PySide2 installed as described in the appendix section.

Navigate into your smartMedia installation folder and from there into the standalone folder. I here you will find a batch file for each operating system. Double click the START batch file for your currently used operating system.

Note: You might need to make the START batch file executable in order to run it on your system. To do so launch a terminal and type:

chmod 777 path/to/START-batch-file

where path/to/START-batch-file is the absolute path of your START batch file.

Need to launch using the old and deprecated Python-2


By default, launching the standalone batch file will try to launch smartMedia using Python-3. We recommend installing and preferring Python-3 over Python-2 because Python-2 is deprecated and no longer supported by the Python community. However, if you insist to use Python2 then edit the batch file and rename python3 to python, i.e. removing the 3.

Also, keep in mind that the required ssl module that ships with Python-2 is already too old. In order to make smartMedia launch, you must set the environment variable CRAGL_USE_LEGACY_API to True. You can do that directly inside the batch file or you set the environment variable somewhere else before running the batch file.