
The smartCollector main window contains a built in settings section that lets us control smartCollect’s settings on a global basis. To access the settings section click the settings button at the bottom right of the smartCollector window.


After clicking the settings button the settings section shows up and hides the archive list:


The settings section contains two tabs:

  • General
  • Logging


The General tab lets us set a variety of settings as described below:


The General settings tab contains the following commands:

- 1) Always on top: If checked the smartCollector main window will always stay on top of all other windows.
- 2) Tooltip: If checked show tooltips for all major widgets.
- 3) Recreate source paths: If checked this will recreate the absolute source paths in the output archive folder. See the Recreate source paths section for more information.
- 4) Convert gizmos to groups: If checked this will convert the gizmos that are used in the Nukescripts into groups. Depending on how the gizmos are deployed this might sometimes not work, so double check the gizmos and manually convert the ones that failed.
- 5) Concurrent archive threads: Sets the number of concurrent threads to use for archiving when using the batch archive functionality.
- 6) Sources path mode: Set the path mode for the sources when being archived. When setting to relative’ the sources paths will be set relative to the script. Otherwise they will contain absolute paths. Setting the source paths to relative lets us easily transfer the backed up Nukescript to other locations.
- 7) Archive output directory: Sets the output root directory. When set to ‘next to script’ the root directory for the archive will be next to the given Nuke script. When set to ‘custom’ we can choose a custom output root directory. This directory is set as a default when adding a Nukescript to the Archive List. This path is always editable afterwards if required.
- 8) Ignore Nukescripts: When scanning directories by dragging directories into the left ‘Nukescripts’ section ignore all nukescripts that contain one of the following name elements. Separate multiple elements by comma. Using this we can avoid to scan for Nukescripts that we will probably not like to have in the Nukescripts list when scanning. For example annotation scripts, temp scripts, roto scripts, etc.

Recreate source paths

When archiving shots we can choose to recreate the source paths of our original shots if required. In order to do so make sure that the Recreate source paths Checkbox is enabled. When archiving, the footage folder of our archived shots will contain the recreated folder structure of the original Nukescript’s sources. This feature will give us the ability to be able to track down where the original sources of our archive came from. This feature is sometimes required. If not required we can turn this functionality off by un checking the Recreate source paths checkbox in the setting section. When recreating source paths Colons for Volume drives will be replaced by an underscore.

Recreate source paths: ON

This is a screenshot of an archive output where the Recreate source paths was turned on. All footage paths are recreated.


Recreate source paths: OFF

This is a screenshot of an archive output where the Recreate source paths was turned off. We will get a sub directory for each source without any further nested folder structure.



The logging section lets us control the logging of smartCollect.


When it comes to archiving, smartCollect will write detailed log information in order to debug the archive process in case there is any issue. For that the logging section lets us define the following settings:

1) Logging output: Sets the logging output. Lets us choose between one of these options:
Log file: Writes the log to [user-home-directory]/cragl/smartCollect/logs
Terminal output: Writes the log to Nuke’s terminal output window.
No logging: Does not record any logging output.

2) Logging level: Sets the logging level. It lets us choose between one of these options:
Debug: Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems.
Info: Confirmation that things are working as expected.
Warning: An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some problem in the near future (e.g. ‘disk space low’). The software is still working as expected.
Error: Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function.
Critical: A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running.