Accessing smartCollect

smartCollect can be accessed directly inside Nuke and as a standalone application.

Running from the menubar

To access smartCollect directly inside Nuke let’s navigate to our menubar and click on cragl -> smartCollect -> smartCollector.


Running standalone

To run smartCollect as standalone application, let’s navigate to our smartCollect installation directory. In here we will find a folder called standalone which contains a run file for each operating system. Simply double click the run file and this will launch smartCollect as a standalone application.


Please note: smartCollect requires multiple nuke specific functionality. You will need a Nuke installation on your machine. When running standalone, smartCollect will find the Nuke installation automatically. It will use the first found Nuke installation and its PySide.

Running smartCollect as a standalone application creates a terminal output window that displays valuable information about the current processes.
