Welcome to connect’s documentation!¶
Connect is your gateway to all our tools. Using connect, you can browse all of our tools and let connect install them for you - directly inside Nuke. There is no need in manually downloading our tools from our website, generating a license and installing the tool yourself (although you can perform all these steps on your own if needed) - connect handles all of that for you, directly inside Nuke. Simply open connect, browse a tool and click the buy button. You will be located to the website where you can buy a license for the chosen cragl tool. All you have to do now is simply clicking the install button and enter your received install code – That’s it. Connect will automatically install the latest tool version and generate a license for you so you can use our tools right away with just one button click.
connect lets you also manage all your installed tools and lets you install a fully featured (time restricted) trial for all of our tools.
- Features:
- Install and manage all of your cragl tools
- Install all trial versions
- Update tools
- Check for tools news
- Link for more information and purchase
- All actions take place directly inside NUKE