connect changelog


  • Fix video player widget in nuke-12 (47)


  • Fix deprecation warning when a tool update is available (#30)


  • Update to nuke-16 (#46)


  • Fix: studio: latest tool not showing up on bulk install (#44)


  • Update to nuke-15 (#43)


  • Fix: Turn off blog when being in offline mode (#42)


  • Fix variable referenced before assignment (#41)

    When using connect_v3.7 it did not launch anymore when using a site licenses for any tool. This update fixes that. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you are using a site license there are two ways to update to this new version:

    1. Temporarily rename your tool’s .slic file, update connect, rename back.
    2. Update connect manually by downloading it and replacing version 3.7 with version 3.8

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Add blog section (#38)


  • Fix: Download referred to incorrect path (#40)


  • Add studio model (#32)
  • Add changelog button (#33)
  • Add support button (#34)
  • Various style changes (#35)
  • Drive tools root directory via env var CRAGL_TOOLS_ROOT (#36)


  • Update splash screen (#29)

    Just like that. Looks more modern :)

  • Add online documentation button (#31)

    The settings section contains now an additional button to browse to connect’s online documentation. This lets you quicker browse to the documentation and tutorial.

  • Settings: increase checkbox size for load buttons (#26)

  • Flush cache button: Update text and revert text after processing (#25)

    In previous versions it looked like the cache button did not do anything. This update will update the text on the flush cache button once clicked to give a better user feedback.


  • Update to nuke-14 (#24)


  • Fix: Launch cragl website when clicking info button under Nuke-13.1 (#23)


  • Continue support for legacy Nuke versions (#21)

    Cragl tools can now be used with legacy Nuke versions (e.g. Nuke-10 and even older) again. In case you are locked to a certain legacy Nuke version for whatever reason or simply launched a previous Nuke version from an archived show that used an old Nuke version you might have experienced that some cragl tools stopped working in these old Nuke versions. Although they worked once in these versions. This is due to the ssl module that ships with Nuke which got outdated and does no longer support some needed connections. We implemented a workaround so that you can use cragl tools in legacy Nuke versions once again. To do so, simply set the environment variable CRAGL_USE_LEGACY_API to “1” before launching your legacy Nuke versions and cragl tools should be working again.

  • Fix: Use subprocess with current environment under Windows-10 (#22)

    When trying to spawn a subprocess in which we pass the current environment then this raised a TypeError under Windows-10 because environment variable types got casted to Unicode type. A subprocess does however only support string types.


  • Auto patch load_version to load the latest connect version on disk (#20)

    This is a rather technical fix that had to be applied. The logic that loads the latest connect version on disk needed to be updated so that it will detect and load the latest version correctly. In the previous logic, this failed to detect and load the latest version when the minor version went beyond 9 due to a simple string comparison which is not sufficient enough. This patch will only apply if you have connect installed along side within the official cragl installation folder. We update the load_version module once on the fly, due to the fact that it is located by purpose -outside- of the actual connect package root.

    Technical note: Please note that a major version update had to be applied for this step so that the legacy load_version logic detects the correct connect version to load so that we can patch the load_version moduke. This updated version is however no API breaking change; But we still depend on having a major version update due to the incorrect loading logic in the legacy load_version module.


  • Fix: Multiple signals in connect under Nuke-13 do not trigger slots (#19)

    The update, load/unload and uninstall widgets for tools in connect’s ‘installed tools’ tab did not trigger the respective actions under Nuke-13. This has been fixed now so that you can update, load/unload and uninstall tools.


  • Port to Nuke-13 (#18)


  • Add ‘show in-depth changes’ button in tool update window (#17)

    Clicking this button navigates you to the ‘updates.html’ page of the respective tool’s documentation page. This page gives a bit more information about the changes of any tool version and creates more transparency in what has changed between versions.

  • Allow install when license quantity is 0 but tool is contained in DB (#16)

  • Add statistics: Keep record of os and nuke version (#12)

    In order to offer you best plugins we would like to keep record of your used operating system and Nuke version. This helps us very much to get better insight about your needs for all current and upcoming cragl tools. By default, we keep record of this information and would kindly ask you to keep this functionality enabled. But if you don’t want that then this is totally fine. You can disable it by un-checking the ‘send statistics’ checkbox in connect’s settings tab or by setting the environment variable CRAGL_SEND_STATISTICS to ‘False’.


  • Compare tool versions using LooseVersion when checking for tool updates


  • Bring back video player for tools in Nuke-12 and Nuke-10 and below (#13)

    In the past, we used to have a video player in the connect main window to be able to view any tool teaser right inside of Nuke. However, Nuke-11 missed some crucial multimedia libraries which made playback of videos not feasible. Since Nuke-12 some new multimedia libraries were added so that we were now able to bring back the video player feature for our tools for Nuke-12 onwards and Nuke-10 and below. When running in Nuke-11 you will see a static image for the currently viewed tool.

  • Clicking any badge logo launches the tool’s web page (#14)

    The connect main window shows logos for all installed tools. Clicking any of these will launch the tool’s web page in your browser. This is also a quick way to jump to a tool’s page and its online documentation.


  • Fix: Show auto version update notification not triggered in Nuke-12
  • Bring back splash screen


  • Speed up launching connect by being able to explicitly run in offline mode


  • Make Nuke12 ready


  • Open up for site licenses
  • Use credentials to install a tool
  • Add sphinx documentation
  • Update internal package structure


  • Make shortcut to open connect editable
  • Enable Proxy mode
  • Bring back the ‘trial’ button for uninstalled tools


  • Code Optimizations to improve loading speed
  • Create and enable caching
  • Enable installation for free tools


  • Make Nuke11 ready
  • Major code updates and code improvements


  • Settings tab - show connect root location
  • Fix bug that caused connect in some occasions not starting because of missing dll files in windows 10


  • Overall code optimization
  • Double click a tool from the short description on the left to show it in the tool description on the right
  • Optimized offline mode


  • Fix bug that caused connect from not working correctly when working in offline mode


  • Initial Release