Welcome to smartWrite’s documentation!

smartWrite enhances and brings several additional features to Nuke’s Write, DeepWrite and WriteGeo nodes. It offers a window that lets you turn on and off additional features to your needs. All these can be assigned to custom shortcuts as needed and take effect immediately - No restart of Nuke required.

smartWrite groups custom features under sections. These are the offered sections:

  • General: General settings to adjust smartWrite to your needs.

  • Read from Write: Create Read/DeepRead/ReadGeo from Write/DeepWrite/WriteGeo.

  • Copy filepath: Copy the selected node’s filepath to your clipboard.

  • Reveal in explorer: Reveal the selected node’s filepath in your explorer.

  • Render current framerange: Quickly render the node without any render dialog.

  • Backup save on render: Turn on backups when rendering and bring back the whole node connection of your renderings.

  • Render history: Show a render history and bring renderings into your nodegraph.

  • Naming: Set up naming extractions to use within presets.

  • Presets: Set up and apply presets for your Write/DeepWrite/WriteGeo nodes.


The smartWrite settings window lets you enable and configure several extra features for your Write/DeepWrite/WriteGeo nodes.


The output settings window lets you trigger custom functionality for your Write/DeepWrite/WriteGeo nodes.

Indices and tables