.. _timer: Time tracker ============ smartLog offers a timer to set to any custom interval. It will automatically show a notification after it timed out. To launch the timer navigate to *cragl -> smartLog -> Timer* or use the hotkey ``Alt + T``. The timer looks like this: .. image:: img/quickstart/timer.jpg To set the timer to 60 minutes, click the **60 Min** button **(1)** to set up the timer. If you are ready, click the **play** button **(2)**. The timer will now count backwards from 60 minutes: .. image:: img/quickstart/timer_started.jpg Once the timer has timed out after 1 hour, a notification will show up at the bottom right: .. image:: img/quickstart/timeout_notification.jpg You can also set a custom amount of minutes to count backwards to by using the custom input at the right. .. tip:: You can add to the currently set time by **shift clicking** any of the time buttons. This works both when setting up the timer and also while the timer is running.