

  • Update to nuke-15 (#46)


  • Add labels to items in shot tree (#32)
  • Search in shot tree (#31)
  • Expand and collapse shot tree (#44)
  • Launch working file from context menu (#45)
  • Fix: Render and Footage icons don’t show in shot tree under Windows (#43)


  • Speed up launching sequence cut (#42)
  • Make shot info text areas in project view editable for all shots (#40)
  • Clicking ‘open’ closes smartLib before opening the working file (#39)
  • Add Button to apply format values from default values (#38)
  • Fix: Leading zeros get removed in shot name when bulk creating shots (#35)
  • Fix: Import from footage directory returned without importing media (#36)
  • Fix: Apply default format from settings when creating new work file (#37)


  • Add studio model (#34)
  • Add help menu (#18)


  • Update to nuke-14 (#33)


  • Fix: Cannot enter nested folder when clicking top level system folder in Windows (#27)

    When trying to click a folder in the system list when you are on the top level (i.e. drive level) then navigating into a folder did not happen. This happened only under windows and is related to the fact that Windows always requires a forward slash after the drive letter, which was not present. This has been fixed now.

  • Fix: Dropping a folder into the saved projects list holds an event lock under windows (#28)

    When dropping a folder into the saved projects list then the event could not be released which caused not being able to enter any text in the upcoming dialog. This dialog was there only to give the folder to favorite a different name. This feature has been turned off and you can rename an element in the favorite list after it has been added if needed by right clicking it and choosing ‘rename’ from the context menu.

  • Add ‘Add to saved projects’ command in system list right click menu (#29)

    Adding a selected folder in the system list to the saved projects via the context menu is an alternative way to dragging and dropping the folder into the saved projects list.


  • Show number of shots for currently loaded show (#20)

    When loading a show, this shows now the overall number of shots it contains.

  • Adjust and uniform style (#18)

    Replace icons in favor for an overall dark theme.

  • Load selected item when enter key is pressed (#19)

    When selecting a folder in the system list or a shot in the project view then the selected item will be loaded. This behavior can be unselected to revert back to previous behavior. To do so navigate to smartLib’s settings and uncheck the checkbox ‘Load selected item on enter pressed’ in the ‘General’ tab.

  • Expose settings button and docs button in GUI (#26)

    You can now launch the settings window and tutorial and documentation pages directly from the smartLib main window. These are exposed as buttons at the top right of the main window.

  • Add progress bar when launching smartLib and for each project load (#23)

  • Navigate to custom folder when clicking home button (#22)

  • Send rendering to smartMedia (#25)

    Right click any media in smartLib’s shot section and execute ‘send to smartMedia’ to send the selected media to smartMedia. You can then convert the media to your needs.

  • Create sequence cut (#24)

    Right click any shot in the project view and execute ‘sequence cut…’. This lets you set up a sequence cut for all your selected shots. This feature lets you easily view the latest state of your show.


  • Fix: Create new shot from template does not use shot name (#16)
  • Fix: Context menu in template editor does no longer show up (#17)


  • Fix: Settings file is non well formed when creating a new one (#15)


  • Fix dropping license into license window raises UnicodeDecodeError (#14)


  • Fix reading trial license data fails decrypting (#12)
  • Send email to license author when machine installs license (#13)


  • Port to Nuke-13 (#10)


  • Allow install if mac id is already in DB and license quantity is 0 (#8)
  • Speed up running in offline mode (#9)


  • Create meta xml for shot when creating a new shot and when loading csv

    When creating a new empty shot or from an existing shot or from a shot template, we ensure that the meta xml file will always be created as well. Additionally, when importing data from csv for all shots, we create meta xml files for all shots in case they don’t contain any, yet.


  • Adjust thumbnail sizes via a slider
  • Fix setting format for template nk file


  • Open up for site licenses
  • Generate license by license file, login and install code
  • Update internal package structure


  • Add functionality to turn automatic shot folder scan off


  • Export project report as html version
  • Export project report as csv version
  • Bring back exporting the project report in Nuke-11 (only html and csv)
  • Import csv data for multiple shots of a project and into single shots
  • Assign custom user to shot
  • Change default shot image’s mode (light, medium, dark)
  • Update icons
  • Add sphinx documentation


  • Fix List navigation updates when browsing to path manually


  • Made Nuke11 ready
  • Major code updates and code improvements


  • User setting to set the user for the currently opened shot
  • Setting default formats for nuke scripts
  • Changing the format of a nuke script on the fly (shot template creation, tree hierarchy current shot, creating new shots from template)
  • Pin/ unpin smartLib main window to stay always on top or not
  • Ignore nuke script in shot drop down(e.g. backup- and annotation scripts)
  • Delete preview shot image
  • Inline tooltips on all major widgets and elements (smartLib main window and settings)
  • Overall code improvement, stability and speed ups -


  • System folder - ability to create a new folder
  • Default shot template for project - as soon as you create a new shot from a shot template the selected template will be stored for this project. So if you create another one the selected template from the template list will be the template the you used the last time.
  • Bulk shot creation from template - all three shot creation methods (empty shot, from existing shot folder structure, from shot template) include now the ability to create multiple shots in one go. In the name input simply enter multiple shot names separated by comma.
  • Source footage default folder - In the current shot section right click one of your folders and choose “footage directory->set footage directory”. Now you can directly browse to the folder by navigating to cragl->smartLib->import from footage directory. This can be set per shot or you can also set a default footage directory in your shot template to enable this feature for each shot. In the right click menu you can also choose a global folder outside the shot itself so this will then always direct you to that folder.
  • Global gamma slider for shot thumbnails - in the settings window in the general section there is a new slider for setting the gamma when creating shot thumbnails.
  • Collapse image sequences - In cragl->smartLib->settings in the general tab you can find the option “collapse image sequences”. This collapses image sequences in the current shot section and displays a sequence in this format - sequenceName.[1001-1100].exr. If you need to copy, cut and paste items you need to uncheck the collapse image sequences option in smartLib’s settings window.
  • Insert into dag - in the currentShot section right click a file, image sequence or nukescript and choose “insert in dag”. This will insert the selected item into your node graph.
  • Insert shot notes - choose cragl->smartLib->insert shot notes. This creates a sticky note and pastes all notes for this shot into it.
  • All items get sorted alphabetically. This is now the default method.
  • Improved file selection behaviour in shot lib section. This behaves now exactly the same way as selecting files in your explorer.


  • Implement double clicking the saved projects opens the currently clicked project in the project view
  • Fix bug that caused problem when setting the thumbnail image in windows 10
  • Enable custom status color - color picker now in edit window
  • Add functionality to set the padding delimiter to an underscore or to a fullstop


  • Add functionality to set render path for a shot outside the shot folder. Works also for whole shot templates.
  • Fix Bug that caused errors in creating shot thumbnails in windows


  • Code optimization
  • Add Status/Report Tab in Settings
  • Add functionality to create custom shot status
  • Add functionality to export the current project with all thumbnails, status and comments
  • Add shortcut to system section. Pressing enter will now enter the currently selected folder
  • Add shortcut to system section. Pressing the backspace key will now leave the current folder and navigate to the parent folder
  • Add reveal in finder functionality to right click menu in system section
  • Fix bug that caused the status to be redrawn to the previous status in the current project section if a shot note is written
  • Fix bug that caused problems with loading a project that had non well formed metadata xml files


  • Initial release