.. _shortcuts: Shortcuts ========= .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html Main Window ----------- - ctrl + 1: Show main section - ctrl + 2: Show history section - ctrl + 3: Show settings section - ctrl + :raw-html:`→` : Show side bar info - ctrl + :raw-html:`←` : Hide side bar info - ctrl + :raw-html:`↓` : Show playlist section - ctrl + :raw-html:`↑` : Hide playlist section | - J: Play currently hovered element rewind - K: Stop currently hovered element - L: Play currently hovered element forward - Ctrl + J: Increase playing currently hovered element rewind in sub steps - Ctrl + L: Increase playing currently hovered element forward in sub steps | - I: Insert currently hovered element into the DAG - R: Reveal the currently hovered element's root directory in your explorer - C: Add/update comment for the currently selected element - T: Launch tag editor for the currently selected element(s) | - 1: Mark currently selected element with 1 star - 2: Mark currently selected element with 2 stars - 3: Mark currently selected element with 3 stars - 4: Mark currently selected element with 4 stars - 5: Mark currently selected element with 5 stars | - Alt: Hover over element and holding alt will show the item info window for the currently selected item Item Info window ---------------- - S: Create poster snapshot on the currently set frame - T: Create thumbnail using the currently selected frame for the current element - F1: Toggle video - F2: Toggle poster strip - F3: Insert element into DAG - F4: Reveal element's root directory in your explorer