.. _settings: Settings ======== smartEdit contains multiple settings to adjust it to your needs. To access the settings, click the settings button at the bottom left of the smartEdit main window. .. image:: img/settings_button.jpg The settings section will show up. It contains the following widgets: .. image:: img/settings.jpg **1) Show tooltips:** If enabled show tooltips for all major widgets. Needs a restart of smartEdit to take effect. **2) Pin:** Pin or unpin the smartEdit window. When it is pinned, you can close it by pressing the esc key, otherwise it will close immediately when releasing the configured hotkey to launch smartEdit. **3) Frameless** If enabled the smartEdit window is fixed and cannot be moved. It will also not have a top bar. If unchecked it behaves like any other window that can be moved. **4) Advanced widgets:** If enabled the custom mapping widgets contain more widgets and functionality. If you create custom widgets that inherit from ``smartEdit.widgets.base`` you can use the ``advanced`` member to drive and implement custom widgets and functionality to show up only when being in advanced mode. See `knob mapping `_ for more information on advanced widgets mode. **5) Enable 'add for node class':** Checking this checkbox keeps the 'Enable for node class' checkbox in the 'knob add window' enabled so that you don't always need to enable it. If you want to keep this checkbox unchecked by default then simply uncheck the checkbox in here. **6) Hotkey:** Set the hotkey to use for launching smartEdit. You can use a character from *a-z* and *F1-F12*. Requires a restart of Nuke to take effect. **7) Slider precision:** Set the precision to use for all slider. Needs a restart of Nuke to take effect. **8) Window opacity:** Drive the opacity of smartEdit. *100* means fully opaque. **9) Ignore knobs:** Ignore the following knobs to show up in the list of knobs in the quick access add window. Separate knobs by comma in here. **10) save:** Click to save the setting updates.